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Barbados National Honours and Decorations nomination form



Barbadians are invited to submit nominations for the 2024 National Independence Honours to the National Honours and Decorations Advisory Council.

Nominees should be outstanding in sport, science, the arts, culture and civic or other areas, or have provided meritorious service in the military or protective services.

Section 9(2) of the Barbados National Honours and Decorations Act 2021 states that "a person other than a citizen of Barbados is eligible to be appointed as an honorary member of the Order".

Please note that the deadline date for the 2024 National Honours is Monday, September 30, 2024.

The categories and criteria available this year are as follows:

ORDER OF FREEDOM OF BARBADOS awarded for distinguished and extraordinary service to Barbados, the Caribbean, the Caribbean Diaspora or to humanity at large.

ORDER OF THE REPUBLIC awarded for distinguished national achievement and merit.

GOLD AWARD OF ACHIEVEMENT awarded for meritorious service or achievement in Barbados or a community within Barbados.

THE TRIDENT OF EXCELLENCE awarded in 2 grades (Gold & Silver) for highly meritorious service or achievement in science, the arts, literature, sport, civic duties or any other endeavour worthy of national recognition.

THE BARBADOS SERVICE AWARDS awarded in 2 grades (Service Star and Service Medal) for meritorious work in the public, fire, military, police, prison or other protective services or in any other similar field of endeavour.

BARBADOS BRAVERY MEDAL for acts of bravery in hazardous circumstances.

THE BARBADOS STAR OF GALLANTRY awarded for acts of conspicuous courage in circustances of extreme peril.

All fields marked with an *(asterisk) must be completed.



Title (If your nominee's title is not listed, please select text box and type in the space provided)

Nominee's full name

Is the nominee a citizen of Barbados?

Has the nominee received another honour?

Contact Information

Nominee's home address

Nominee's telephone number(s). Please insert the area code in each number. E.g. 1-246-0000000

Nominee's date of birth

Nominated for



Are you proposing as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?

Proposer's full name

Contact information

Proposer's home address

Proposer's telephone number(s). Please insert the area code in each number. E.g. 1-246-0000000



Justification for your nominee must be entered in the text box below.

The maximum word limit is 600.

If necessary, other supporting documents can also be uploaded as attachments. 

Supporting documents

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